All English words - page 1371
Meanings of Defoliants:
nounA chemical that removes the leaves from trees and plants, used in warfare.
Usage examples:
Much of the countryside was laid waste through carpet-bombing, napalm and widespread use of chemica…
Meanings of Defoliate:
verbRemove leaves from (a tree, plant, or area of land), for agricultural purposes or as a military tactic.
Usage examples:
The area was defoliated and napalmed many times
Meanings of Defoliated:
verbRemove leaves from (a tree, plant, or area of land), for agricultural purposes or as a military tactic.
Usage examples:
The area was defoliated and napalmed many times
Meanings of Defoliates:
verbRemove leaves from (a tree, plant, or area of land), for agricultural purposes or as a military tactic.
Usage examples:
The area was defoliated and napalmed many times
Meanings of Defoliating:
verbRemove leaves from (a tree, plant, or area of land), for agricultural purposes or as a military tactic.
Usage examples:
The area was defoliated and napalmed many times
Meanings of Defoliation:
nounThe process of leaves falling off a plant, or of making this happen
Usage examples:
Defoliation occurred when the plants were nearly mature., over 64 per cent of all tree species have…
Meanings of Defoliator:
nounAn adult or larval insect which strips all the leaves from a tree or shrub.
Usage examples:
Insecticides kill insect defoliators and vectors of deadly human diseases such as malaria, yellow f…
Meanings of Defoliators:
nounAn adult or larval insect which strips all the leaves from a tree or shrub.
Usage examples:
Insecticides kill insect defoliators and vectors of deadly human diseases such as malaria, yellow f…
Meanings of Deforce:
verbDeprive (someone) wrongfully or forcibly of their rightful property.
Meanings of Deforced:
verbDeprive (someone) wrongfully or forcibly of their rightful property.
Meanings of Deforces:
verbDeprive (someone) wrongfully or forcibly of their rightful property.
Meanings of Deforcing:
verbDeprive (someone) wrongfully or forcibly of their rightful property.
Meanings of Deforest:
verbClear (an area) of forests or trees.
Usage examples:
404,000 sq. km had been deforested
Meanings of Deforestation:
nounThe action of clearing a wide area of trees.
Usage examples:
A key aim is to try to halt widespread deforestation in the amazon
Meanings of Deforested:
verbClear (an area) of forests or trees.
Usage examples:
404,000 sq. km had been deforested
Meanings of Deforesting:
verbClear (an area) of forests or trees.
Usage examples:
404,000 sq. km had been deforested
Meanings of Deforests:
verbClear (an area) of forests or trees.
Usage examples:
404,000 sq. km had been deforested
Meanings of Deform:
verbDistort the shape or form of; make misshapen.
Usage examples:
He was physically deformed by a rare bone disease
Meanings of Deformation:
nounThe action or process of deforming or distorting.
Usage examples:
Solid rock undergoing slow deformation
Meanings of Deformations:
nounThe action or process of deforming or distorting.
Usage examples:
Solid rock undergoing slow deformation
Meanings of Deformed:
adjective(of a person or part of the body) not having the normal or natural shape or form; misshapen.
Usage examples:
His deformed hands
verbDistort the shape or form of; make misshapen.
Usage examples:
He was physically deformed by a rare bone disease
Meanings of Deforming:
verbDistort the shape or form of; make misshapen.
Usage examples:
He was physically deformed by a rare bone disease
Meanings of Deformities:
nounA deformed part, especially of the body; a malformation.
Usage examples:
Deformities of the hands or feet
Meanings of Deformity:
nounA deformed part, especially of the body; a malformation.
Usage examples:
Deformities of the hands or feet
Meanings of Deforms:
verbDistort the shape or form of; make misshapen.
Usage examples:
He was physically deformed by a rare bone disease
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