All English words - page 1338
Meanings of Debilitating:
adjective(of a disease or condition) making someone very weak and infirm.
Usage examples:
Debilitating back pain
verbMake (someone) very weak and infirm.
Usage examples:
He was severely debilitated by a stomach upset
Meanings of Debilities:
nounPhysical weakness, especially as a result of illness.
Usage examples:
Most of the cases presented with general debility, muscle weakness, and weight loss
Meanings of Debility:
nounPhysical weakness, especially as a result of illness.
Usage examples:
Most of the cases presented with general debility, muscle weakness, and weight loss
Meanings of Debit:
nounAn entry recording a sum owed, listed on the left-hand side or column of an account.
Usage examples:
A double-entry system of bookkeeping, where each debit has a corresponding credit entry
verb(of a bank or other financial organization) remove (an amount of money) from a customer's account.
Usage examples:
$10,000 was debited from their account
Meanings of Debit-card:
nounA small plastic card used to make a payment by taking the amount of the payment automatically from your bank account
Usage examples:
The supermarket takes debit cards, credit cards, cash, and checks.
Meanings of Debited:
verb(of a bank or other financial organization) remove (an amount of money) from a customer's account.
Usage examples:
$10,000 was debited from their account
nounAn entry recording a sum owed, listed on the left-hand side or column of an account.
Usage examples:
A double-entry system of bookkeeping, where each debit has a corresponding credit entry
Meanings of Debiting:
verb(of a bank or other financial organization) remove (an amount of money) from a customer's account.
Usage examples:
$10,000 was debited from their account
nounAn entry recording a sum owed, listed on the left-hand side or column of an account.
Usage examples:
A double-entry system of bookkeeping, where each debit has a corresponding credit entry
Meanings of Debits:
nounAn entry recording a sum owed, listed on the left-hand side or column of an account.
Usage examples:
A double-entry system of bookkeeping, where each debit has a corresponding credit entry
verb(of a bank or other financial organization) remove (an amount of money) from a customer's account.
Usage examples:
$10,000 was debited from their account
Meanings of Debonair:
adjectiveConfident, stylish, and charming (typically used of a man).
Usage examples:
All the men looked debonair and handsome in white tie and tails
Meanings of Debone:
verbRemove the bones from (meat, poultry, or fish), especially before cooking.
Usage examples:
She'd get up every morning and help us debone a chicken
Meanings of Deboned:
adjective(of meat, poultry, or fish) having had its bones removed, especially before cooking.
Usage examples:
The deboned fish is deep-fried
verbRemove the bones from (meat, poultry, or fish), especially before cooking.
Usage examples:
She'd get up every morning and help us debone a chicken
Meanings of Debones:
verbRemove the bones from (meat, poultry, or fish), especially before cooking.
Usage examples:
She'd get up every morning and help us debone a chicken
Meanings of Deboning:
verbRemove the bones from (meat, poultry, or fish), especially before cooking.
Usage examples:
She'd get up every morning and help us debone a chicken
Meanings of Deborah:
proper nounA biblical prophet and leader who inspired the israelite army to defeat the canaanites (judges 4–5). the ‘song of deborah’, a song of victory attributed to her, is thought to be one of the oldest sections of the bible.
Meanings of Deboss:
verbStamp (a design) into the surface of an object so that it is indented.
Usage examples:
You could deboss the team name on the inner side of the bracelet
Meanings of Debouch:
verbEmerge from a confined space into a wide, open area.
Usage examples:
The stream finally debouches into a silent pool
Meanings of Debouched:
verbEmerge from a confined space into a wide, open area.
Usage examples:
The stream finally debouches into a silent pool
Meanings of Debouches:
verbEmerge from a confined space into a wide, open area.
Usage examples:
The stream finally debouches into a silent pool
Meanings of Debouching:
verbEmerge from a confined space into a wide, open area.
Usage examples:
The stream finally debouches into a silent pool
Meanings of Debouchure:
nounThe mouth of a river or valley.
Usage examples:
What was the position of this debouchure in the time of herod the great?
Meanings of Debride:
verbRemove damaged tissue or foreign objects from (a wound).
Usage examples:
A decision was made to surgically debride the ulcer
Meanings of Debrided:
verbRemove damaged tissue or foreign objects from (a wound).
Usage examples:
A decision was made to surgically debride the ulcer
Meanings of Debridement:
nounThe removal of damaged tissue or foreign objects from a wound.
Usage examples:
Abscess drainage or debridement of necrotic tissue may be necessary.
Meanings of Debriding:
verbRemove damaged tissue or foreign objects from (a wound).
Usage examples:
A decision was made to surgically debride the ulcer
Meanings of Debrief:
verbQuestion (someone, typically a soldier or spy) about a completed mission or undertaking.
Usage examples:
The government debriefed him over a span of four years
nounA series of questions about a completed mission or undertaking.
Usage examples:
In the debrief, gary gave his assessment of the trip and his performance
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