All English words - page 131
Meanings of Afghans:
nounA native or inhabitant of afghanistan, or a person of afghan descent.
Usage examples:
Then they said they would stay back and try to help the afghans effect national reconciliation.
adjectiveRelating to afghanistan, its people, or their language.
Usage examples:
Second, having an afghan leader eliminates the language barrier.
Meanings of Afibrinogenemia:
nounAbsence of fibrinogen in the blood, usually resulting in impaired coagulation; an acquired or inherited condition characterized by this.
Meanings of Aficionada:
nounA female aficionado; (originally) a female devotee of bullfighting; (now usually) a woman or girl who is very enthusiastic about some activity, subject, or pastime.
Meanings of Aficionadas:
nounA female aficionado; (originally) a female devotee of bullfighting; (now usually) a woman or girl who is very enthusiastic about some activity, subject, or pastime.
Meanings of Aficionado:
nounA person who is very knowledgeable and enthusiastic about an activity, subject, or pastime.
Usage examples:
A crossword aficionado
Meanings of Aficionados:
nounA person who is very knowledgeable and enthusiastic about an activity, subject, or pastime.
Usage examples:
A crossword aficionado
Meanings of Afield:
adverbTo or at a distance.
Usage examples:
Competitors from as far afield as aberdeen
Meanings of Afikomen:
nounA piece broken off from a matzo during the seder and put aside to be eaten at the end of the meal. it is traditionally hidden to be searched for by the children present.
Usage examples:
Her little grandchildren will search the house looking for the afikoman
Meanings of Afire:
adjectiveOn fire; burning.
Usage examples:
The whole mill was afire
Meanings of Aflame:
adjectiveIn flames; burning.
Usage examples:
Pour brandy over the steaks and then set aflame
Meanings of Aflare:
adjectiveBursting with activity; full of intense excitement.
adverbIn or into a state of intense excitement or activity.
Meanings of Aflatoxin:
nounAny of a class of toxic compounds produced by certain moulds found in food, which can cause liver damage and cancer.
Usage examples:
Several varieties of the mould aspergillus produce a group of carcinogens called aflatoxins, which …
Meanings of Aflight:
adjectiveIn predicative use: flying; in flight, airborne.
Meanings of Afloat:
adjectiveFloating in water; not sinking.
Usage examples:
They trod water to keep afloat
Meanings of Aflow:
adverbIn or into a flowing state, so as to flow.
adjectiveIn predicative use: flowing.
Meanings of Aflower:
adjectiveIn predicative use: flowering, blooming.
Meanings of Aflush:
adjectiveIn predicative use: flushed; blushing.
adverbIn or into a flushed or blushing state.
Meanings of Aflutter:
adjectiveIn a state of tremulous excitement.
Usage examples:
He has the physique that could send a thousand female hearts aflutter
Meanings of Afoam:
adjectiveIn predicative use: foaming; covered with or full of foam.
adverbIn or into a foaming state; so as to be covered in foam.
Meanings of Afocal:
adjectiveOf a lens or other optical system: that transfers an image without bringing it to a focus, i.e. so that rays entering parallel emerge parallel; relating to or constituting such a system.
Meanings of Afoot:
adjectiveIn preparation or progress; happening or beginning to happen.
Usage examples:
Plans are afoot for a festival
Meanings of Afore:
Usage examples:
He died the day afore yesterday
prefixBefore; previously.
adverb→ before
Meanings of Aforegoing:
adjectiveExisting or happening earlier; specifically earlier in a discourse or text.
nounWith the. the foregoing word(s) or thing(s) (to which reference is here made); that which has gone before.
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