All English words - page 1171
nounAny of various machines used to delint cotton seed.
verb(of organic matter) become liquid, typically during decomposition.
Usage examples:
Leave somewhere warm for several days to allow the mushrooms to deliquesce.
verb(of organic matter) become liquid, typically during decomposition.
Usage examples:
Leave somewhere warm for several days to allow the mushrooms to deliquesce.
nounThe process of becoming liquid as a result of absorbing moisture from the air
Usage examples:
Vitamin c supplements are prone to a process called deliquescence, in which humidity causes a water…
adjectiveBecoming liquid, or having a tendency to become liquid.
Usage examples:
Remember that there may technically be stronger drinks in the desert, but since ethanol is deliques…
verb(of organic matter) become liquid, typically during decomposition.
Usage examples:
Leave somewhere warm for several days to allow the mushrooms to deliquesce.
verb(of organic matter) become liquid, typically during decomposition.
Usage examples:
Leave somewhere warm for several days to allow the mushrooms to deliquesce.
nounA loss of consciousness; a faint, a swoon; (also) fainting, faintness. also: a loss or failure of the mind or mental faculties (chiefly in hyperbolic use).
nounThe state or condition of being delirious; delirium; an instance of this.
nounAbsurdity, delusion; an absurd, deluded, or irrational thought, remark, or action. formerly also: †an irrational enthusiasm, a craze (obsolete).
adjectiveAffected with delirium; of the nature of or characterized by delirium; delirious.
nounA drug or other agent that causes delirium; a deliriant or delirifacient.
verbTo act, speak, or reason in a manner considered insane, deluded, or absurd; to be affected or characterized by delirium.
nounFrenzied or delirious behaviour.
Usage examples:
Two pages of it will produce a mild deliration.
verbTo act or speak in an absurd, deluded, or irrational manner.
verbTo act, speak, or reason in a manner considered insane, deluded, or absurd; to be affected by delirium.
nounA drug or other agent that causes delirium.
adjectiveCausing delirium.
adjectiveIn an acutely disturbed state of mind characterized by restlessness, illusions, and incoherence; affected by delirium.
Usage examples:
He became delirious and couldn't recognize people
adverbIn a way that shows that you are unable to think or speak clearly because of fever or mental confusion
Usage examples:
I cried deliriously until my mother arrived., he moaned deliriously and covered his eyes with his a…
nounThe state or condition of being delirious; delirium.
nounAn acutely disturbed state of mind characterized by restlessness, illusions, and incoherence, occurring in intoxication, fever, and other disorders.
Usage examples:
Somewhere a patient shouted in delirium
nounFormal for the dts informal
nounAn acutely disturbed state of mind characterized by restlessness, illusions, and incoherence, occurring in intoxication, fever, and other disorders.
Usage examples:
Somewhere a patient shouted in delirium
adjectiveDelirious; especially in an acutely disturbed state of mind characterized by restlessness, illusions, and incoherence.
nounShort for delicatessen.
verbRemove from a list or category.
Usage examples:
A listed barn at bulmer had to be delisted after conversion
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