All English words - page 115
Meanings of Aeolist:
nounA derogatory term for: a person who claims to speak with divine inspiration or who behaves as if inspired.
Meanings of Aeon:
nounAn indefinite and very long period of time.
Usage examples:
He reached the crag aeons before i arrived
Meanings of Aeonial:
adjectiveOf or relating to an aeon; lasting an aeon; eternal, everlasting.
Meanings of Aeonian:
adjectiveOf or relating to an aeon; lasting an aeon; eternal, everlasting.
Meanings of Aeonic:
adjectiveOf or relating to an aeon; lasting an aeon, age-long.
Meanings of Aeons:
nounAn indefinite and very long period of time.
Usage examples:
He reached the crag aeons before i arrived
Meanings of Aequorin:
nounA protein which occurs in the jellyfish aequorea forskalea (and certain other marine organisms) and luminesces with a blue light when it combines with calcium ions.
Meanings of Aequorins:
nounA protein which occurs in the jellyfish aequorea forskalea (and certain other marine organisms) and luminesces with a blue light when it combines with calcium ions.
Meanings of Aer:
abbreviationAnnual equivalence rate, the notional rate of interest on loans or credit payable if the interest was paid and added each year.
Meanings of Aerarian:
adjectiveOf, relating to, or belonging to the aerarians. "aerarian tribune": a member of a class ranking below the equites.
Meanings of Aerate:
verbIntroduce air into (a material).
Usage examples:
Before seeding, consider aerating the lawn
Meanings of Aerated:
adjective(of a liquid) made effervescent by being charged with carbon dioxide or some other gas.
Usage examples:
Aerated spring water
verbIntroduce air into (a material).
Usage examples:
Before seeding, consider aerating the lawn
Meanings of Aerates:
verbIntroduce air into (a material).
Usage examples:
Before seeding, consider aerating the lawn
Meanings of Aerating:
verbIntroduce air into (a material).
Usage examples:
Before seeding, consider aerating the lawn
Meanings of Aeration:
nounThe introduction of air into a material.
Usage examples:
Raised beds improve the drainage and aeration of the soil
Meanings of Aerations:
nounThe introduction of air into a material.
Usage examples:
Raised beds improve the drainage and aeration of the soil
Meanings of Aerator:
nounA piece of equipment that adds air to water or soil
Meanings of Aerators:
nounA piece of equipment that adds air to water or soil
Meanings of Aerenchyma:
nounA soft plant tissue containing air spaces, found especially in many aquatic plants.
Usage examples:
Oxygen transport from above-ground parts to roots of wetland plants is facilitated by aerenchyma.
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