All English words - page 1112
Meanings of Conciliations:
nounThe action of stopping someone being angry; placation.
Usage examples:
He held his hands up in a gesture of conciliation
Meanings of Conciliator:
nounA person who acts as a mediator between two disputing people or groups.
Usage examples:
He was seen as a conciliator, who would heal divisions in the party
Meanings of Conciliators:
nounA person who acts as a mediator between two disputing people or groups.
Usage examples:
He was seen as a conciliator, who would heal divisions in the party
Meanings of Conciliatory:
adjectiveIntended or likely to placate or pacify.
Usage examples:
A conciliatory approach
Meanings of Concinnity:
nounThe skilful and harmonious arrangement or fitting together of the different parts of something.
Usage examples:
That geologic concinnity's taste is what we know and who we are.
Meanings of Conciousness:
nounThe state of being aware of and responsive to one's surroundings.
Usage examples:
She failed to regain consciousness and died two days later
Meanings of Concise:
adjectiveGiving a lot of information clearly and in a few words; brief but comprehensive.
Usage examples:
A concise account of the country's history
Meanings of Concisely:
adverbIn a way that is brief but comprehensive.
Usage examples:
His main objections to it can be concisely summarized
Meanings of Conciseness:
nounThe quality of being short and clear, and expressing what needs to be said without unnecessary words
Usage examples:
The letters were edited for clarity and conciseness., he told the story with admirable conciseness.
Meanings of Conciser:
adjectiveGiving a lot of information clearly and in a few words; brief but comprehensive.
Usage examples:
A concise account of the country's history
Meanings of Concisest:
adjectiveGiving a lot of information clearly and in a few words; brief but comprehensive.
Usage examples:
A concise account of the country's history
Meanings of Concision:
nounThe quality of being short and clear, and expressing what needs to be said without unnecessary words
Usage examples:
The letters were edited for clarity and conciseness., he told the story with admirable conciseness.
Meanings of Conclave:
nounA private meeting.
Usage examples:
It came on the eve of a meeting of the g20-a conclave of developed and developing nations - in berl…
Meanings of Conclaves:
nounA private meeting.
Usage examples:
It came on the eve of a meeting of the g20-a conclave of developed and developing nations - in berl…
Meanings of Conclude:
verbBring or come to an end.
Usage examples:
They conclude their study with these words
Meanings of Concluded:
verbBring or come to an end.
Usage examples:
They conclude their study with these words
Meanings of Concluder:
verbBring or come to an end.
Usage examples:
They conclude their study with these words
Meanings of Concludes:
verbBring or come to an end.
Usage examples:
They conclude their study with these words
Meanings of Concluding:
verbBring or come to an end.
Usage examples:
They conclude their study with these words
adjectiveLast in a series of things
Usage examples:
Make sure to summarize your points in your concluding paragraph., don't miss tonight's concluding e…
Meanings of Conclusion:
nounThe end or finish of an event, process, or text.
Usage examples:
The conclusion of world war two
Meanings of Conclusions:
nounThe end or finish of an event, process, or text.
Usage examples:
The conclusion of world war two
Meanings of Conclusive:
adjective(of evidence or argument) having or likely to have the effect of proving a case; decisive.
Usage examples:
Conclusive evidence
Meanings of Conclusively:
adverbIn a decisive way that has the effect of proving a case.
Usage examples:
The story had been conclusively debunked
kənˈkɒktMeanings of Concoct:
verbMake (a dish or meal) by combining various ingredients.
Usage examples:
She began to concoct a dinner likely to appeal to him
Meanings of Concocted:
verbMake (a dish or meal) by combining various ingredients.
Usage examples:
She began to concoct a dinner likely to appeal to him
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