All English words - page 1017
Meanings of Cliquiest:
adjective(of a group or place) tending to form or hold exclusive groups and so not welcoming to outsiders.
Usage examples:
A lot of boys grew up together, and the school was cliquey
Superlative of cliquey
Meanings of Cliquish:
adjective(of a group or place) tending to form or hold exclusive groups and so not welcoming to outsiders.
Usage examples:
A notoriously cliquish political club
Meanings of Clit:
nounShort for clitoris.
abbreviation(in the uk) companion of literature.
Meanings of Clitic:
nounAn unstressed word that normally occurs only in combination with another word, for example 'm in i'm.
Usage examples:
Null objects are allowed in many languages despite the absence of an object-identifying clitic or a…
Meanings of Clitoridectomies:
nounExcision of the clitoris; female circumcision.
Meanings of Clitoridectomy:
nounExcision of the clitoris; female circumcision.
Meanings of Clitoris:
nounA small, sensitive, erectile part of the female genitals at the anterior end of the vulva.
Meanings of Clitorises:
nounA small, sensitive, erectile part of the female genitals at the anterior end of the vulva.
Meanings of Clitter:
verbMake a thin rattling sound.
Usage examples:
A coded message clittered over the radio speakers
Meanings of Clivia:
nounA southern african plant of the lily family, with dark green straplike leaves and trumpet-shaped orange, red, or yellow flowers.
Usage examples:
It is planted with many varieties of cape fynbos, cycads, huge strelitzias, beds of clivias, large …
Meanings of Clivias:
nounA southern african plant of the lily family, with dark green straplike leaves and trumpet-shaped orange, red, or yellow flowers.
Usage examples:
It is planted with many varieties of cape fynbos, cycads, huge strelitzias, beds of clivias, large …
Meanings of Cloaca:
nounA common cavity at the end of the digestive tract for the release of both excretory and genital products in vertebrates (except most mammals) and certain invertebrates.
Usage examples:
Instead, males deposit spermatophores on the substrate and females pick up these spermatophores wit…
Meanings of Cloacae:
nounA common cavity at the end of the digestive tract for the release of both excretory and genital products in vertebrates (except most mammals) and certain invertebrates.
Usage examples:
Instead, males deposit spermatophores on the substrate and females pick up these spermatophores wit…
Meanings of Cloak:
nounA sleeveless outdoor overgarment that hangs loosely from the shoulders.
Usage examples:
He threw his cloak about him
verbDress in a cloak.
Usage examples:
They sat cloaked and hooded
Meanings of Cloak-and-dagger:
adjectiveInvolving mystery and secrecy
Usage examples:
A cloak-and-dagger spy mission
kləʊkMeanings of Cloaked:
verbDress in a cloak.
Usage examples:
They sat cloaked and hooded
nounA sleeveless outdoor overgarment that hangs loosely from the shoulders.
Usage examples:
He threw his cloak about him
Meanings of Cloaking:
verbDress in a cloak.
Usage examples:
They sat cloaked and hooded
nounA sleeveless outdoor overgarment that hangs loosely from the shoulders.
Usage examples:
He threw his cloak about him
Meanings of Cloakroom:
nounA room in a public building where outdoor clothes or luggage may be left.
Usage examples:
The cloakroom attendant
Meanings of Cloakrooms:
nounA room in a public building where outdoor clothes or luggage may be left.
Usage examples:
The cloakroom attendant
Meanings of Cloaks:
nounA sleeveless outdoor overgarment that hangs loosely from the shoulders.
Usage examples:
He threw his cloak about him
verbDress in a cloak.
Usage examples:
They sat cloaked and hooded
Meanings of Clobber:
verbHit (someone) hard.
Usage examples:
If he does that i'll clobber him!
nounClothing, personal belongings, or equipment.
Usage examples:
I found all his clobber in the locker
Meanings of Clobbered:
verbHit (someone) hard.
Usage examples:
If he does that i'll clobber him!
nounClothing, personal belongings, or equipment.
Usage examples:
I found all his clobber in the locker
Meanings of Clobbering:
verbHit (someone) hard.
Usage examples:
If he does that i'll clobber him!
nounClothing, personal belongings, or equipment.
Usage examples:
I found all his clobber in the locker
Meanings of Clobbers:
verbHit (someone) hard.
Usage examples:
If he does that i'll clobber him!
nounClothing, personal belongings, or equipment.
Usage examples:
I found all his clobber in the locker
Meanings of Clochard:
noun(in france) a beggar; a vagrant.
Usage examples:
Clochards drinking in doorways
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