Worder Dictionary

Past - English meaning

Past – definitions in English dictionary


The time before the moment of speaking or writing.

Usage examples:

She found it hard to make ends meet in the past

A past tense or form of a verb.

Usage examples:

A simple past of the first conjugation

To or on the further side of.

Usage examples:

He rode on past the crossroads

Beyond in time; later than.

Usage examples:

By this time it was past 3.30

Beyond a particular point, stage, or limit.

Usage examples:

He feels his opponent is past his prime

No longer capable of.

Usage examples:

He is past giving the best advice

So as to pass from one side of something to the other.

Usage examples:

A flotilla of glossy limousines swept past



Used to indicate the lapse of time.

Usage examples:

A week went past and nothing changed

Past translation into English

Past: translate from English into Chinese

Translate past into Chinese (Simplified)}
过去的, 过去, 往事, 通过, 旧, 往, 昔, 经, 往时, 晚于

Past: translate from English into Dutch

Translate past into Dutch}
Verleden, Langs, Voorbij, Na, Over, Verleden tijd, Geleden, Voorbijgegaan, Buiten, Het gebeuren

Past: translate from English into French

Translate past into French}
Passé, Ancien, Devant, Filer, Sonné, Au-delà de

Past: translate from English into German

Translate past into German}
Vorbei an, Vergangenheit, Vorbei, Über, Hinter, Nach, Vorüber, Vergangen, Frühe, Vorig, An ... vorbei, An ... vorüber

Past: translate from English into Hindi

Translate past into Hindi}
अतीत, पिछला, विगत, भूत, गत, बीता, के पास से, बीता हुआ, पहले का, गुज़रा, बीता हुआ काल, अतीत काल, पीछला, भूतपूर्व काल, के ऊपर से, के नज़दीक, पर से, पूर्व का

Past: translate from English into Italian

Translate past into Italian}
Passato, Oltre, Scorso, Dopo, Accanto, Ultimo, Davanti a, Ex, Via, Al di là di, Sfrecciare, Di corsa

Past: translate from English into Korean

Translate past into Korean}
과거, 지난, ...을 지나서, 과거형, 이력, 끝난, 지나쳐서, 지나가 버린 일, 임기를 끝낸, 연공을 쌓은, 과거의, 과거형의, 경과하여, 시간이 경과하여, ...이상, ...이 미치지 않는

Past: translate from English into Russian

Translate past into Russian}
Мимо, Прошлое, За, Прошлый, Прошедший, После, Прошедшее, Минувший, Истекший, Сверх, Прошедшее время, Свыше, За пределами, Протекший, По ту сторону

Past: translate from English into Spanish

Translate past into Spanish}
Pasado, Más allá de, Anterior, Por delante, Historia, Más de, Antecedentes

Word origin

Middle English: variant of passed, past participle of pass1.

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