Harmful - English meaning
Harmful – definitions in English dictionary
adjectiveCausing or likely to cause harm.
Usage examples:
The ozone layer blocks the harmful rays from the sun
adjectiveCausing harm
Usage examples:
Harmful to this group of chemicals is known to be harmful to people with asthma.
Harmful translation into English
Harmful: translate from English into Chinese
有害, 不良, 害, 不利
Harmful: translate from English into Dutch
Schadelijk, Nadelig
Harmful: translate from English into French
Nuisible, Nocif, Néfaste, Malfaisant
Harmful: translate from English into German
Schädlich, Abträglich, Verletzend, Ungesund
Harmful: translate from English into Hindi
हानिकारक, नुकसानदेह, नुक़सान पहुंचनेवाला, अहितकर, हानि पहुंचानेवाला, अपकारी, हानिकर
Harmful: translate from English into Italian
Dannoso, Nocivo, Deleterio, Malefico
Harmful: translate from English into Korean
Harmful: translate from English into Russian
Вредный, Пагубный, Губительный, Тлетворный, Разлагающий
Harmful: translate from English into Spanish
Dañino, Perjudicial, Nocivo, Dañoso
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