Worder Dictionary

Gambol - English meaning

Gambol – definitions in English dictionary


Run or jump about playfully.

Usage examples:

The mare gambolled towards her

An act of running or jumping about playfully.

Usage examples:

The two of them run off to the woods for a gambol together

To run and jump in a happy way

Usage examples:

Lambs were gambolling (about/around) in the spring sunshine.

Gambol translation into English

Gambol: translate from English into Chinese

Translate gambol into Chinese (Simplified)}

Gambol: translate from English into Dutch

Translate gambol into Dutch}
Gambol, Capriool, Dartelen, Huppelen, Kuitenflikker, Kromme sprong

Gambol: translate from English into French

Translate gambol into French}
Gambader, Gambade, Folâtrer, Caracoler, Faire des cabrioles

Gambol: translate from English into German

Translate gambol into German}
Glücksspiel, Hüpfen

Gambol: translate from English into Hindi

Translate gambol into Hindi}
कलोल, नाचना, कूदना, कलोल करना, कूद-फांद, नाचना-कूदना, उल्लसित होना

Gambol: translate from English into Italian

Translate gambol into Italian}
Gioco d'azzardo, Saltellare, Salto, Capriola

Gambol: translate from English into Korean

Translate gambol into Korean}
도박, 깡충깡충 뛰어다님, 깡충깡충 뛰어다니다

Gambol: translate from English into Russian

Translate gambol into Russian}
Резвиться, Порезвиться, Пошалить, Скачок, Прыгать, Весело прыгать, Весело скакать, Прыжок, Веселье

Gambol: translate from English into Spanish

Translate gambol into Spanish}
Retozar, Brincar, Brinco, Juguetear, Triscar

Word origin

early 16th century: alteration of gambade (see gambado1), via French from Italian gambata ‘trip up’, from gamba ‘leg’.

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