Gambados - English meaning
Gambados – definitions in English dictionary
nounA leap or bound, especially an exaggerated one.
Usage examples:
Now it is well, thou art mounted, fly with the speed of the wind, and linger not in making those ga…
nounA gaiter, typically one attached to a saddle to protect a rider's leg from the weather.
Usage examples:
And so it proved, as the lost gambado was afterwards found on the road, having dropped from the sad…
Gambados translation into English
Gambados: translate from English into Chinese
甘巴多斯, 恶作剧, 马的跳跃
Gambados: translate from English into Dutch
Gambado's, Gambado, Streek, Uitval, Luchtsprong
Gambados: translate from English into French
Gambados: translate from English into German
Gambados: translate from English into Hindi
गम्बाडोस, घोड़े की छलांग
Gambados: translate from English into Italian
Gambados: translate from English into Korean
감바도스, 도약, 긴 각반, 깡충깡충 뛰어다님, 희룽거림, 안장에 붙인 장화, 안장에 붙인 각반
Gambados: translate from English into Russian
Гамбадос, Эскапада, Неожиданная выходка, Курбет, Прыжок
Gambados: translate from English into Spanish
Gambados, Gambado
Word origin
mid 17th century: from Italian gamba ‘leg’ + -ado.
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Gambados – similar words
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