Worder Dictionary

Decency - English meaning

Decency – definitions in English dictionary


Behaviour that conforms to accepted standards of morality or respectability.

Usage examples:

She had the decency to come and confess

Things required for a reasonable standard of life.

Usage examples:

I can't afford any of the decencies of life

Behavior that is good, moral and acceptable in society

Usage examples:

[ + to infinitive ] she didn’t even have the decency to apologize.

Decency translation into English

Decency: translate from English into Chinese

Translate decency into Chinese (Simplified)}
正派, 风化, 礼貌, 义, 斯文

Decency: translate from English into Dutch

Translate decency into Dutch}
Fatsoen, Welvoeglijkheid

Decency: translate from English into French

Translate decency into French}
Décence, Pudeur, Convenance, Morale, Politesse

Decency: translate from English into German

Translate decency into German}
Anstand, Anständigkeit, Schicklichkeit

Decency: translate from English into Hindi

Translate decency into Hindi}
शिष्टता, शालीनता, शिष्टाचार, सभ्यता, आदाब, विनय, सुशीलता, औचित्य, शऊर, भद्रता

Decency: translate from English into Italian

Translate decency into Italian}
Decenza, Pudore, Decoro

Decency: translate from English into Korean

Translate decency into Korean}
예절 바름, 관대, 보기 흉하지 않음, 어엿한 생활에 필요한 것

Decency: translate from English into Russian

Translate decency into Russian}
Порядочность, Благопристойность, Приличие, Вежливость, Любезность

Decency: translate from English into Spanish

Translate decency into Spanish}
Decencia, Bondad, Cortesía, Amabilidad, Atentado

Word origin

mid 16th century (in the sense ‘appropriateness, fitness’): from Latin decentia, from decent- ‘being fitting’ (see decent).

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