Culpable – definition
Usage examples:
Mercy killings are less culpable than ‘ordinary’ murders
Deserving to be blamed or considered responsible for something bad
Usage examples:
The landowner could be proved culpable for starting the fire., he strongly denies any culpability i…
Culpable translation into English
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Culpable: translate from English into Hindi
सदोष, अपराधिक, दण्ड्य, दंडनीय
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Culpable: translate from English into Korean
Culpable: translate from English into Russian
Виновный, Преступный, Заслуживающий порицания
Culpable: translate from English into Spanish
Word origin
Middle English (in the sense ‘deserving punishment’): from Old French coupable, culpable, from Latin culpabilis, from culpare ‘to blame’, from culpa ‘fault, blame’.
Culpable – similar words
In a way that shows that someone deserves to be blamed or considered responsible for something bad
Usage examples:
He culpably neglected his duty by failing to report the shooting., they haven't actually done anyth…
Culpable synonims
Required or expected to justify actions or decisions; responsible.
Usage examples:
Ministers are accountable to parliament
Required to explain or justify one's actions to; responsible or having to report to.
Usage examples:
The attorney general is answerable only to parliament for his decisions
To be responsible for something that happens
Usage examples:
Soldiers who obey orders to commit atrocities should be answerable for their crimes., any european …
Responsible for a fault or wrong.
Usage examples:
His friends thought him blameable
Deserving blame for your actions or for causing a mistake, accident, etc.
Usage examples:
You must agree that i am in no way blamable for what happened., if you had confessed immediately, y…
Responsible for wrongdoing and deserving of censure or blame.
Usage examples:
The investigator found that the council was not blameworthy of doing anything wrong in the circumst…
Having done something wrong
Deserving strong criticism or disapproval
Usage examples:
The trial judge found that the conduct of the respondent was indeed censurable., i do not think her…
Deserving strong criticism or disapproval
Usage examples:
The trial judge found that the conduct of the respondent was indeed censurable., i do not think her…
Deserving strong criticism or disapproval
Usage examples:
The trial judge found that the conduct of the respondent was indeed censurable., i do not think her…
Culpable of or responsible for a specified wrongdoing.
Usage examples:
He was found guilty of manslaughter
If you feel guilty, you feel that you have done something wrong
Usage examples:
I feel so guilty about forgetting your birthday.
Responsible by law; legally answerable.
Usage examples:
The credit-card company is liable for any breach of contract
Likely to do, happen, or experience something
Usage examples:
If you don’t take care of yourself, you’re liable to get sick., he’s liable to say anything that co…
Legally responsible for something or someone
Usage examples:
Liable for sth the sellers were liable for all the damage., this is a serious crime and they can be…
Having an obligation to do something, or having control over or care for someone, as part of one's job or role.
Usage examples:
The cabinet minister responsible for education
Having the duty of taking care of something
Usage examples:
The government’s energy regulatory board is responsible for nuclear safety., we are not responsible…
Used to describe something, for example, a job, where you are able to act and make decisions on your own
Usage examples:
It's a responsible job for which i've been well rewarded., he is responsible for the council's wast…