Worder Dictionary

Compensation - English meaning

Compensation – definitions in English dictionary


Something, typically money, awarded to someone in recognition of loss, suffering, or injury.

Usage examples:

He is seeking compensation for injuries suffered at work

The process of concealing or offsetting a psychological difficulty by developing in another direction.

Usage examples:

The principle of compensation is the key concept of jungian psychodynamics, in that it is central t…

The money received by an employee from an employer as a salary or wages.

Usage examples:

Send your cv and current compensation to executive search consultant

The combination of payment and other benefits that an employee receives for doing their job

Usage examples:

Annual compensation for our executives includes salary, bonus, and other benefits., poor compensati…

Compensation translation into English

Compensation: translate from English into Chinese

Translate compensation into Chinese (Simplified)}
赔偿, 索赔, 赔偿金

Compensation: translate from English into Dutch

Translate compensation into Dutch}
Een vergoeding, Compensatie, Vergoeding, Schadevergoeding, Schadeloosstelling, Beloning, Loon, Vergelding

Compensation: translate from English into French

Translate compensation into French}
Compensation, Indemnisation, Dédommagement

Compensation: translate from English into German

Translate compensation into German}
Vergütung, Entschädigung, Kompensation, Ausgleich, Ersatz, Schadensersatz, Schadenersatz, Abfindung, Entgelt, Abgeltung, Wiedergutmachung, Ersetzung

Compensation: translate from English into Hindi

Translate compensation into Hindi}
नुकसान भरपाई, मुआवजा, क्षतिपूर्ति, मुआवज़ा, प्रतिकर, प्रतिपूर्ति, प्रतिफल, प्रतिकार, पुरस्कार, इनाम, मुआविज़ा, तावान, पुरसकार, मुआविज़ा देना

Compensation: translate from English into Italian

Translate compensation into Italian}
Compenso, Compensazione, Risarcimento, Indennità, Corrispettivo, Soddisfazione

Compensation: translate from English into Korean

Translate compensation into Korean}
보상, 보정, 배상, 보수, 대상, 대신, 대상작용

Compensation: translate from English into Russian

Translate compensation into Russian}
Компенсация, Возмещение, Вознаграждение, Уравнивание, Уравновешивание, Денежное вознаграждение, Восстановление, Жалованье

Compensation: translate from English into Spanish

Translate compensation into Spanish}
Compensación, Indemnización, Enmienda, Pago de dinero

Word origin

late Middle English: via Old French from Latin compensatio(n- ), from the verb compensare ‘weigh against’ (see compensate).

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