Charmed – definition
(of a person's life or a period of this) unusually lucky or happy as though protected by magic.
Usage examples:
I felt that i had a charmed life
(of a particle) possessing the property charm.
Usage examples:
A charmed quark
Expressing polite pleasure at an introduction.
Usage examples:
Charmed, i'm sure
Usage examples:
The books have charmed children the world over
Control or achieve by or as if by magic.
Usage examples:
A gesticulating figure endeavouring to charm a cobra
Very pleased or attracted by someone's charm
Usage examples:
He said he would be charmed if a woman gave him flowers., for many years, he led a charmed life, wo…
Charmed translation into English
Charmed: translate from English into Chinese
Charmed: translate from English into Dutch
Charmed: translate from English into French
Charmed: translate from English into German
Charmed: translate from English into Hindi
मन प्रसन्न कर दिया, मंत्रमुग्ध
Charmed: translate from English into Italian
Charmed: translate from English into Korean
Charmed: translate from English into Russian
Зачарованные, Очарованный, Заколдованный
Charmed: translate from English into Spanish
Word origin
Middle English (in the senses ‘incantation or magic spell’ and ‘to use spells’): from Old French charme (noun), charmer (verb), from Latin carmen ‘song, verse, incantation’.
Charmed – similar words
The power or quality of delighting, attracting, or fascinating others.
Usage examples:
His charm has captivated the media
Usage examples:
The books have charmed children the world over
Denoting a flavour (variety) of unstable quark having an electric charge of + 2/3. charm quarks have similar properties to up quarks and top quarks, but are distinguished from them by having an intermediate mass.
Charmed synonims
The quality of being powerfully and mysteriously attractive or fascinating.
Usage examples:
People for whom gold holds no allure
Powerfully attract or charm; tempt.
Usage examples:
Will sponsors really be allured by such opportunities?
Cause to come to a place or participate in a venture by offering something of interest or advantage.
Usage examples:
A campaign to attract more visitors to shetland
To cause something to come toward something else, or to cause a person or animal to become interested in someone or something
Usage examples:
An open flame attracts moths., the tennis championship will attract a lot of tourists to the city.,…
To make people want to visit a place or find out more about something
Usage examples:
Attract visitors/audiences/fans the exhibition attracted over 10,000 visitors., attract interest/at…
Charm or enchant (someone), often in a deceptive way.
Usage examples:
He beguiled the voters with his good looks
To charm, attract, or interest, sometimes in order to deceive
Usage examples:
I had to show i was not beguiled by his good looks., a beguiling smile
Enchant and delight (someone).
Usage examples:
They both were bewitched by the golden luminosity of italy
To attract or interest someone a lot so that you have the power to influence them
Usage examples:
He was bewitched by her beauty.
Attract and hold the interest and attention of; charm.
Usage examples:
He was captivated by her beauty
To hold the attention of someone by being extremely interesting, exciting, charming, or attractive
Usage examples:
Her singing captivated audiences everywhere.
(of a bright light) blind (a person or their eyes) temporarily.
Usage examples:
She was dazzled by the headlights
Brightness that blinds someone temporarily.
Usage examples:
I screwed my eyes up against the dazzle
To cause someone to feel strong admiration of something or someone
Usage examples:
He was dazzled by rome’s architectural treasures.
Please (someone) greatly.
Usage examples:
An experience guaranteed to delight both young and old
Usage examples:
The little girls squealed with delight
Great pleasure, satisfaction, or happiness, or something or someone that gives this
Usage examples:
[ c ] my sister’s little boy is a real delight., [ u ] his music teacher expressed delight with his…
Produce (a picture or diagram) by making lines and marks on paper with a pencil, pen, etc.
Usage examples:
He drew a map
An act of selecting names randomly to decide winners in a lottery, opponents in a sporting contest, etc.
Usage examples:
The draw has been made for this year's tournament
Usage examples:
It is not difficult to see why edward is enamoured of her
To cause someone to like or love something or someone
Usage examples:
The tail fins and rocket details of 1950s cars were an impression of the technology that enamoured …
Fill (someone) with great delight; charm.
Usage examples:
Isabel was enchanted with the idea
To charm or please someone a lot
Usage examples:
He was enchanted by stories of the old west.
Give intense pleasure or joy to.
Usage examples:
Ruth was enraptured by the sleeping child
To give someone very great pleasure
Usage examples:
The performance enraptured adults and children alike.
Capture the fascinated attention of.
Usage examples:
She had been so enthralled by the adventure that she had hardly noticed the cold
To keep someone completely interested
Usage examples:
The baseball game completely enthralled the crowd., the audience was enthralled for two hours by a …
Attract the strong attention and interest of (someone).
Usage examples:
I've always been fascinated by computers
To have someone’s complete interest and attention
Usage examples:
Anything to do with airplanes and flying fascinates him., the children were fascinated by the story…
Produce a state of hypnosis in (someone).
Usage examples:
A witness had been hypnotized to enhance his memory
To produce hypnosis in someone, or to completely influence someone
Usage examples:
The crowd sits hypnotized by harper’s trumpet.
Tempt (a person or animal) to do something or to go somewhere, especially by offering some form of reward.
Usage examples:
The child was lured into a car but managed to escape
Something that tempts or is used to tempt a person or animal to do something.
Usage examples:
The film industry always has been a glamorous lure for young girls
Capture the complete attention of (someone); transfix.
Usage examples:
They were mesmerized by his story
To hold completely the attention or interest of someone
Usage examples:
Her beautiful voice mesmerized the audience., a mesmerizing performance
Cause to feel happy and satisfied.
Usage examples:
He arranged a fishing trip to please his son
Used in polite requests or questions.
Usage examples:
Please address letters to the editor
Commonly used in order to make a request more polite, or, sometimes, to make it stronger or urgent
Usage examples:
Could i please have some ketchup for my hamburger?, please be sure to take all your personal belong…
Seize and carry off (someone) by force.
Usage examples:
There is no assurance that her infant child will not be ravished from her breast
To give great pleasure to someone
Usage examples:
I was utterly ravished by the way she smiled.
Entice (someone) into sexual activity.
Usage examples:
A lawyer had seduced a female client
Lure or entice away from duty, principles, or proper conduct
To persuade or trick someone into doing something by making it very attractive
Usage examples:
Nowadays you have to seduce students into learning through colorful graphics or exciting adventure …
Hold the complete attention of (someone) as though by magic; fascinate.
Usage examples:
The singer held the audience spellbound
Be successful or victorious in (a contest or conflict).
Usage examples:
United won four games in a row
A successful result in a contest, conflict, bet, or other endeavour; a victory.
Usage examples:
A 3–0 win over birmingham
To defeat a competitor, or to achieve first position or get a prize in a competition
Usage examples:
[ i ] did they win last night?, [ t ] our team won the game!