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Worder Dictionary

The meaning of Care

Care – definition


The provision of what is necessary for the health, welfare, maintenance, and protection of someone or something.

Usage examples:

The care of the elderly

Serious attention or consideration applied to doing something correctly or to avoid damage or risk.

Usage examples:

He planned his departure with great care

Care translation into English

Care: translate from English into Chinese

Translate care into Chinese (Simplified)}
关心, 关怀, 在乎, 在意, 看护, 注意, 关照, 保管, 牵挂, 当心, 养育, 留心, 管, 料理, 忧, 顾虑, 应付, 看, 服侍, 爱抚, 操劳, 睬, 张罗, 考究, 保守, 忧心, 包管, 搞, 主持, 翼庇

Care: translate from English into Dutch

Translate care into Dutch}
Zorg, Verzorging, Zorgen, Verzorgen, Zorgen voor, Voorzichtigheid, Hoede, Toezicht, Acht, Bezorgdheid, Geven om, Zich bekommeren, Bezorgd zijn, Voorwerp van zorg

Care: translate from English into French

Translate care into French}
Se soucier, Soins, Soin, Attention, Souci, Surveillance, Responsabilité, Inquiétude, Aimer, Faire attention à, Désirer, S'occuper de

Care: translate from English into German

Translate care into German}
Pflege, Sorgfalt, Versorgung, Betreuung, Sorge, Vorsicht, Fürsorge, Obhut, Mühe, Zuwendung, Achtsamkeit, Sich kümmern, Sich scheren

Care: translate from English into Hindi

Translate care into Hindi}
ध्यान, देख-भाल, चिंता, सावधानी, देख-रेख, संरक्षण, परवरिश, एहतियात, परवा, चिंता करना, दायित्व, चिंतित होना, सरपरस्ती, मारफ़त, रिआयत, परवा करना, घबराना, चिंतित करना, बेचैन होना, परेशान होना, पालण-पोषण करना, देख-रेख करना, ऋण विश्लेषण और अनुसंधान मूल्यायन

Care: translate from English into Italian

Translate care into Italian}
Cura, Cure, Attenzione, Preoccuparsi, Diligenza, Custodia, Sollecitudine, Prudenza, Premura, Preoccupazione, Protezione, Precauzione, Preoccupazioni, Responsabilità, Scrupolo, Delicatezza, Interessarsi, Affanni, Pensieri, Interessare, Importare, Ansietà, Piacere, Volere bene, Tenerci

Care: translate from English into Korean

Translate care into Korean}
케어, 주의, 걱정, 돌봄, 관심사, 용의, 걱정하다

Care: translate from English into Russian

Translate care into Russian}
Забота, Заботиться, Уход, Ухаживать, Заботы, Осторожность, Внимание, Попечение, Осмотрительность, Беспокоиться, Призрение, Тревожиться, Питать интерес, Тревога, Иметь желание, Отхаживать, Питать любовь

Care: translate from English into Spanish

Translate care into Spanish}
Cuidado, Atención, Cuidar, Asistencia, Atender, Preocuparse, Cargo, Esmero, Preocupación, Solicitud, Tener cuidado, Interesarse, Afirmación

Word origin

Old English caru (noun), carian (verb), of Germanic origin; related to Old High German chara ‘grief, lament’, charon ‘grieve’, and Old Norse kǫr ‘sickbed’.

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