Worder - English dictionary
Worder Dictionary

English words starting with word

Meanings of Word:


A single distinct meaningful element of speech or writing, used with others (or sometimes alone) to form a sentence and typically shown with a space on either side when written or printed.

Usage examples:

I don't like the word ‘unofficial’

Express (something spoken or written) in particular words.

Usage examples:

He words his request in a particularly ironic way

Used to express agreement or affirmation.

Usage examples:

Word, that's a good record, man
combining form

Denoting a slang word, or one that may be offensive or have a negative connotation, specified by the word's first letter.

Usage examples:

The f-word

A unit of language that native speakers can identify

Meanings of Word up! :

phrasal verb

Used to express agreement or affirmation or as a greeting.

Meanings of Word-for-word:


Using exactly the same words


In exactly the same or, when translated, exactly equivalent words.

Usage examples:

Benjamin copied the verse down, word for word

Meanings of Word-list:


A list of words, especially when these words are collected for a particular purpose, for example words that someone has to learn, or words explained in a dictionary

Usage examples:

As you read, add unfamiliar words to your word list so you can practise them later., these stories …

Meanings of Word-perfect:


Used to refer to words produced without any mistakes, or a person who is able to repeat a particular text from memory without making any mistakes

Usage examples:

His mother rehearsed his lines with him and by the time the play opened he was word-perfect., "your…

Meanings of Word-up:

phrasal verb

Used to express agreement or affirmation or as a greeting.

Meanings of Wordable:


Capable of being expressed in words.

Meanings of Wordbook:


A study book containing lists of words and meanings or other related information.

Usage examples:

Among the reference books on display at the exhibition are several popular dictionaries and wordboo…

Meanings of Wordbooks:


A study book containing lists of words and meanings or other related information.

Usage examples:

Among the reference books on display at the exhibition are several popular dictionaries and wordboo…

Meanings of Wordcraft:


The art of using words; literary or oratorical skill.

Meanings of Worded:


Express (something spoken or written) in particular words.

Usage examples:

He words his request in a particularly ironic way

A single distinct meaningful element of speech or writing, used with others (or sometimes alone) to form a sentence and typically shown with a space on either side when written or printed.

Usage examples:

I don't like the word ‘unofficial’

Used to express agreement or affirmation.

Usage examples:

Word, that's a good record, man

Said or written with particular words

Usage examples:

A carefully/strongly worded statement, the question was worded in such a way that there could only …

Meanings of Wordhoard:


A store of words; (in later use especially) the vocabulary of a person, group, or language.

Meanings of Wordier:


Using or expressed in rather too many words.

Usage examples:

A wordy and repetitive account

Meanings of Wordiest:


Using or expressed in rather too many words.

Usage examples:

A wordy and repetitive account

Meanings of Wordily:


In a way that contains a lot of words, or too many words

Usage examples:

The presentation was preceded by some extremely boring speeches in which everyone wordily thanked e…

Meanings of Wordiness:


The quality of containing too many words

Usage examples:

Smith learned to write more crisply under his editor, who didn't tolerate wordiness., the wordiness…

Meanings of Wording:


The words used to express something; the way in which something is expressed.

Usage examples:

The standard form of wording for a consent letter

Express (something spoken or written) in particular words.

Usage examples:

He words his request in a particularly ironic way

Meanings of Wordings:


The words used to express something; the way in which something is expressed.

Usage examples:

The standard form of wording for a consent letter

Meanings of Wordish:


Using, or containing, an excess of words; verbose; = "wordy".

Meanings of Wordle:

A brand name for an online word game in which players have six attempts to guess a five-letter word each day. after each guess, players are shown which letters they have guessed correctly

Usage examples:

She plays wordle every day and shares her score with her siblings., i found a forum where people we…

Meanings of Wordless:


Not speaking or involving speech.

Usage examples:

A sort of wordless communication had developed

Meanings of Wordlessly:


Without the use of words or speech.

Usage examples:

They find a way to communicate wordlessly

Meanings of Wordlore:


The study of words and their history; philology.

Meanings of Wordman:


A man who deals with or has command of words; a master of language.

Meanings of Wordmanship:


Skill in the use of words.

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