English words starting with noes
Choose the first letter in an English word:
Meanings of Noes:
nounA negative answer or decision, especially in voting.
Usage examples:
He was unable to change his automatic yes to a no
The chemical element nobelium.
determinerNot any.
Usage examples:
There is no excuse
exclamationUsed to give a negative response.
Usage examples:
‘is anything wrong?’ ‘no.’
adverbNot at all; to no extent.
Usage examples:
They were no more able to perform the task than i was
Meanings of Noesis:
nounIn phenomenology: a process or an act of perceiving or thinking, as opposed to an object of perception or thought; (also) the subjective aspect of an intentional experience, as opposed to the noema.
Meanings of Noesises:
nounIn phenomenology: a process or an act of perceiving or thinking, as opposed to an object of perception or thought; (also) the subjective aspect of an intentional experience, as opposed to the noema.
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