English words starting with gyros
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Meanings of Gyroscope:
nounA device consisting of a wheel or disc mounted so that it can spin rapidly about an axis which is itself free to alter in direction. the orientation of the axis is not affected by tilting of the mounting, so gyroscopes can be used to provide stability or maintain a reference direction in navigation systems, automatic pilots, and stabilizers.
Usage examples:
When the axis of a gyroscope is rotated the gyro attempts to make the plane of the rotation of the …
Meanings of Gyroscopes:
nounA device consisting of a wheel or disc mounted so that it can spin rapidly about an axis which is itself free to alter in direction. the orientation of the axis is not affected by tilting of the mounting, so gyroscopes can be used to provide stability or maintain a reference direction in navigation systems, automatic pilots, and stabilizers.
Usage examples:
When the axis of a gyroscope is rotated the gyro attempts to make the plane of the rotation of the …
Meanings of Gyroscopically:
adverbWith the use of a gyroscope (= a device containing a wheel that spins freely within a frame, used on aircraft, ships, etc. to help keep them horizontal)
Usage examples:
The roller coaster was mounted with a gyroscopically stable camera that remained steady as the ride…
Meanings of Gyrostabilized:
adjective(of a vessel) stabilized by a gyrostabilizer.
Meanings of Gyrostabilizer:
nounA gyroscopic device for maintaining the equilibrium of something such as a ship, aircraft, or platform.
Usage examples:
In 1913, the first gyrostabilizer, controlling pitch and yaw as well as speed and direction, was in…
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