English words containing oak:
Meanings of Cloak:
nounA sleeveless outdoor overgarment that hangs loosely from the shoulders.
Usage examples:
He threw his cloak about him
verbDress in a cloak.
Usage examples:
They sat cloaked and hooded
Meanings of Cloak-and-dagger:
adjectiveInvolving mystery and secrecy
Usage examples:
A cloak-and-dagger spy mission
kləʊkMeanings of Cloaked:
verbDress in a cloak.
Usage examples:
They sat cloaked and hooded
nounA sleeveless outdoor overgarment that hangs loosely from the shoulders.
Usage examples:
He threw his cloak about him
Meanings of Cloaking:
verbDress in a cloak.
Usage examples:
They sat cloaked and hooded
nounA sleeveless outdoor overgarment that hangs loosely from the shoulders.
Usage examples:
He threw his cloak about him
Meanings of Cloakroom:
nounA room in a public building where outdoor clothes or luggage may be left.
Usage examples:
The cloakroom attendant
Meanings of Cloakrooms:
nounA room in a public building where outdoor clothes or luggage may be left.
Usage examples:
The cloakroom attendant
Meanings of Cloaks:
nounA sleeveless outdoor overgarment that hangs loosely from the shoulders.
Usage examples:
He threw his cloak about him
verbDress in a cloak.
Usage examples:
They sat cloaked and hooded
Meanings of Coak:
nounA piece of metal used to line a round hole, especially one used to line the central hole in a sheave through which the pin passes; a bush. compare "cock". now chiefly historical.
verbTo join (timbers) together lengthways by means of coaks; to join (a piece of timber) to another in this way.
Meanings of Croak:
nounA characteristic deep hoarse sound made by a frog or a crow.
Usage examples:
A female frog can pick out a mate's voice from a cacophony of croaks
verb(of a frog or crow) make a characteristic deep hoarse sound.
Usage examples:
The frogs settled in the shade, croaking happily
Meanings of Croaked:
verb(of a frog or crow) make a characteristic deep hoarse sound.
Usage examples:
The frogs settled in the shade, croaking happily
nounA characteristic deep hoarse sound made by a frog or a crow.
Usage examples:
A female frog can pick out a mate's voice from a cacophony of croaks
Meanings of Croakier:
adjective(of a person's voice) deep and hoarse.
Usage examples:
My voice was croaky, slightly hoarse, but he heard it.
Meanings of Croakiest:
adjective(of a person's voice) deep and hoarse.
Usage examples:
My voice was croaky, slightly hoarse, but he heard it.
Meanings of Croaking:
verb(of a frog or crow) make a characteristic deep hoarse sound.
Usage examples:
The frogs settled in the shade, croaking happily
nounA characteristic deep hoarse sound made by a frog or a crow.
Usage examples:
A female frog can pick out a mate's voice from a cacophony of croaks
Meanings of Croaks:
nounA characteristic deep hoarse sound made by a frog or a crow.
Usage examples:
A female frog can pick out a mate's voice from a cacophony of croaks
verb(of a frog or crow) make a characteristic deep hoarse sound.
Usage examples:
The frogs settled in the shade, croaking happily
Meanings of Croaky:
adjective(of a person's voice) deep and hoarse.
Usage examples:
My voice was croaky, slightly hoarse, but he heard it.
Meanings of Oak:
nounA large tree which bears acorns and typically has lobed deciduous leaves. oaks are dominant in many north temperate forests and are an important source of durable timber used in building, furniture, and (formerly) ships.
Usage examples:
Suddenly he thought of the forest, the oak tree and the chances that she might be there.
Meanings of Oakboy:
nounA member of an irish protest organization of the 1760s called hearts of oak, whose badge was a sprig of oak worn in the hat.
Meanings of Oaken:
adjectiveMade of timber from the oak tree.
Usage examples:
A heavy oaken table
Meanings of Oakland:
proper nounAn industrial port on the east side of san francisco bay in california; population 404,155 (est. 2008).
Meanings of Oaks:
nounA large tree which bears acorns and typically has lobed deciduous leaves. oaks are dominant in many north temperate forests and are an important source of durable timber used in building, furniture, and (formerly) ships.
Usage examples:
Suddenly he thought of the forest, the oak tree and the chances that she might be there.
Meanings of Oakum:
nounLoose fibre obtained by untwisting old rope, used especially in caulking wooden ships.
Usage examples:
Remember to use a filler, like oakum, for wide joints before you caulk.
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