Worder Dictionary

English words containing brio:

Meanings of Brio:


Vigour or vivacity of style or performance.

Usage examples:

She told her story with some brio

Meanings of Brioche:


A light sweet yeast bread typically in the form of a small round roll.

Usage examples:

She ate a brioche and drank milky coffee

Meanings of Brioches:


A light sweet yeast bread typically in the form of a small round roll.

Usage examples:

She ate a brioche and drank milky coffee

Meanings of Cabriole:


A jump in which one leg is extended into the air forwards or backwards, the other is brought up to meet it, and the dancer lands on the second foot.

Usage examples:

He imbued every movement with emotion, from high-flying cabrioles to the sweep of a cloak, at one m…

Meanings of Cabrioles:


A jump in which one leg is extended into the air forwards or backwards, the other is brought up to meet it, and the dancer lands on the second foot.

Usage examples:

He imbued every movement with emotion, from high-flying cabrioles to the sweep of a cloak, at one m…

Meanings of Cabriolet:


A car with a roof that folds down.

Usage examples:

Taking only a minimum of effort to change guises, it can be transformed from a three-door hatchback…

Meanings of Cabriolets:


A car with a roof that folds down.

Usage examples:

Taking only a minimum of effort to change guises, it can be transformed from a three-door hatchback…

Meanings of Celebrious:


Famous, well-known, renowned.

Meanings of Ebrious:


Drunken or intoxicated.

Usage examples:

Those young sots with the ebrious faces

Meanings of Funebrious:


Of or relating to a funeral or funerals; (hence) mournful, gloomy, melancholy; funereal.

Meanings of Insalubrious:


(of a place) seedy and run-down; unwholesome.

Usage examples:

A poor area full of insalubrious hotels

Meanings of Lugubrious:


Looking or sounding sad and dismal.

Usage examples:

His face looked even more lugubrious than usual

Meanings of Lugubriously:


In a sad and serious way

Usage examples:

I wandered lugubriously through the streets., an elderly couple shuffled lugubriously to the door.

Meanings of Lugubriousness:


The quality of being sad and serious

Usage examples:

The news was read with great lugubriousness., the music had an air of lugubriousness.



Meanings of Opprobrious:


(of language) expressing scorn or criticism.

Usage examples:

Opprobrious remarks

Meanings of Opprobriousness:


The quality or fact of being opprobrious; = "opprobrium".

Meanings of Salubrious:


Health-giving; healthy.

Usage examples:

Odours of far less salubrious origin

Meanings of Tenebrionid:


A beetle of a family ( tenebrionidae ) that comprises the darkling beetles.

Meanings of Tenebrionidae:


A beetle of a family (tenebrionidae) that comprises the darkling beetles.

Usage examples:

Also on his page are pictures of a large tenebrionid beetle and a camel spider.

Meanings of Vibrio:


A water-borne bacterium of a group that includes some pathogenic kinds that cause cholera, gastroenteritis, and septicaemia.

Usage examples:

Current research in molecular biology is aimed at finding out why cholera vibrios are such potent p…

Meanings of Vibrios:


A water-borne bacterium of a group that includes some pathogenic kinds that cause cholera, gastroenteritis, and septicaemia.

Usage examples:

Current research in molecular biology is aimed at finding out why cholera vibrios are such potent p…

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